Video Photo SlideShow

Now you can make stunning Video Slideshow from your images . Easily share these videos with friends and family. You can share created videos with your friends, family or loved ones via WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any social networking platforms.

If you’re involved in creating YouTube videos or working on school projects, video editing can be a challenging task. However, we’re introducing a revolutionary solution with “Video Photo SlideShow” that turns this once time-consuming and tedious job into a matter of minutes. We’ve made it fun and interesting, elevating your video editing experience to the next level.

Explore the extraordinary world of video editing with magical transitions and captivating slideshow effects, bringing your imaginations to life and transforming your work into a memorable piece of art with just a single flick.

Enhance your videos effortlessly by adding cute stickers, images, and themes. Edit an unlimited number of videos and easily share them on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp. Tell your complete story in one go and effortlessly organize your clips.

What can you achieve with Video Photo SlideShow?

  • Choose from 8 customizable video themes with options for custom text color and font size.
  • Attach pre-installed music clips easily to complement your videos.
  • Enjoy multi-music support with customizable time durations for each video clip.
  • Access a collection of stickers with options for custom time duration and size for each sticker.
  • Utilize advanced multi-text support with customizable time intervals for each text.
  • Apply video filters such as sepia, mirror, negative, and choose from over 15 filters for your videos.
  • Split, trim, and copy video clips into multiple parts. Merge another video seamlessly.
  • Organize and present your pictures creatively with the slideshow movie maker.
  • Set custom effects on the trimmed parts of the clip.
  • Optimized with universal Windows platform support and an elegant UI, making it the perfect app for you.

Features of Video Maker – VideoShow:

  1. Edit Video
  2. Create Slideshow
  3. Trim Video

Follow these simple steps to create amazing videos for your social platforms:

Step 1:-  Use “Video Photo SlideShow” to edit your video in a professional and advanced yet basic manner. Follow the easy steps below to see how.

Step 2:-  Choose a video from your device that you would like to edit.

Step 3:-  Click on the “Transition” option at the bottom of your screen to choose the desired transition for your video.

Step 4:-  Select the “Effect” option at the bottom of your screen to choose the desired effect for your video.

Step 5:-  Tap on the “Music” option at the bottom of your screen to choose the desired music for your videos.

Step 6:-  Tap on the “Sticker” option at the bottom of your screen to choose the desired sticker for your video.

Step 7:-  Select the “Text” option at the bottom of your screen to add your desired text to your video.

  • Finally, click on the “Save” option to save your video on your device.